The fact of the matter is, I don't use that office... other than to store my business stuff and gear. Rowan won't let me work in there, even if there is a baby sitter. He just screams at the door. And... our cell phones don't work in there (Thanks ATT) and we're too cheap to get a land line. (Do you know how expensive a land line is???)
So... most days I work standing up at my kitchen counter or at my (new) kitchen table. And unless I have to back my work up or print something, I hardly go in my office. Which makes me sad... because I LOVE the room and I feel like it really is a representation of my style. Buuuut... until Rowan lets me work in there, it will remain relatively unused.
Kitchen Table:

Kitchen Counter:

Kitchen Table:

Kitchen Counter:

oh no you really can't use the office you busted your booty on? That sucks! But you do have a nice dining there's that