Tuesday, February 8, 2011

#10 Fifteen Facts About Me

#1 I have a hard time getting interested in reading a book if there isn't some sort of romance/love element to it. It doesn't have to be the main focus, but I feel like it needs to be there in some context. Like The Hunger Games. Just finished that series and REALLY enjoyed it.

#2 I'm afraid that after I lose weight from working out and eating right, my stomach will still never be the same and I'll always have to wear Spanx in order to feel comfortable. My stomach was so huge the day I delivered that I'm afrait its beyond anything that working out and eating right can fix. Meaning, I will probably never wear a 2 piece bathing suit again.

#3 I find my dog really annoying. Which breaks my heart. But he jumps and barks and is impossible to control when guests are over. He used to be my "child" before Rowan... and now I often find myself wondering if I'd be mad at myself if we just gave him to a good home. But Kyle would never allow it. But the dog hair on our wood floors is DRIVING ME CRAZY. Oh... and he is also $80 or more to feed each month.

#4 I struggle with feeling "original." And feel like people think my style (both with my own self and my photography) is just a cheap copy of somebody else's.

Wow... lets move onto more happier things.

#5 If I could live off one meal for the rest of my life... it would be Nachos. But pizza would be a close second.

#6 I'm OBSESSED with this season of The Bachelor... and I really really really want Emily to win.

#7 I drink a LOT of black coffee. And I would rather hit up a gas station for black coffee than going to Starbucks for something expensive that just tastes burnt to me.

#8 My side of our bathroom looks like a tornado hit it... and it drives Kyle crazy.

#9 I can't pick a favorite Girl Scout Cookie. But my top favorites are the Tagalongs, Thin Mints, Trefoils & Samoas.

#10 Sometimes I miss living in Bakersfield, but then I go back and visit... and I become so thankful Kyle and I never moved back. Because it was (briefly) an option. Now, I just miss my family.

#11 I am super paranoid about wrinkles... so I have been using anti-aging moisturizers for YEARS. I mean, like 8 years. So far so good... but I honestly don't know if its as a result of expensive face creams, or just staying out of the sun, or good genes.

#12 I LOVE makeup. And while I have no problem going to the store with out makeup, I will never, under any condition, go out in a social setting with out makeup.

#13 I often miss my long hair... but know its just not the look for me. Nor do I ever want to deal with growing it out again.

#14 I think I would be comfortable and capable of living on the East Coast... New York maybe.

#15 I still occasionally Facebook stalk some guys I used to date.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#8 The Last Thing I Bought

If I'm being honest... the last thing I bought was a car full of groceries. But a) I don't have a picture of it and b) that's pretty darn boring.

Buuuut... at my last trip to Target... amongst the diapers, baby whipes, birthday cards, wine, and beauty products... I bought a new book. The Hunger Games. I've been hearing lots of good things about it... and I was fully expecting on buying it on my iPhone. I've been come addicted to my iBooks... already reading 5 books this year. But for some strange and frustrating reason, iBooks doesn't carry The Hunger Games books. So I went back to reading a good 'ol fashioned paper book. I'm about 1/4 of the way in and its already got me hooked. I can't wait to finish it this weekend. Oh wait... its only Tuesday. I'll probably finish it tomorrow. That's how I get with books.... I can't put them down once I start.


Emo & #7

I hate feeling low on myself. For the most part, I am generally a confident person. Minus a small issue with my weight... that I'm working on. I feel like my style really says something about who I am. Creative, outgoing and slightly off beat.

However, there are those days when I come across a picture online and realize, I will never be "that girl." The girl with the flowing long locks and the legs and waist she never has to work for. The girl that doesn't have to work at being pretty because she looks just as good with out makeup as she does with makeup. And the girl that always gets described as "so beautiful" when somebody is talking about her.

99% of the time... I'm happy with me. But that 1% still has the ability to sting... and make me want to go eat a plate of nachos.

Me... in the last hour of an 8 hour day shooting a wedding.

Me... right now, with out makeup and in an old t-shirt.

I actually didn't plan on making this #7... me with out makeup. But it kind of turned into it. So here is a REAL picture of me with out make up... and zero "iphone changes."
