Buuuut... at my last trip to Target... amongst the diapers, baby whipes, birthday cards, wine, and beauty products... I bought a new book. The Hunger Games. I've been hearing lots of good things about it... and I was fully expecting on buying it on my iPhone. I've been come addicted to my iBooks... already reading 5 books this year. But for some strange and frustrating reason, iBooks doesn't carry The Hunger Games books. So I went back to reading a good 'ol fashioned paper book. I'm about 1/4 of the way in and its already got me hooked. I can't wait to finish it this weekend. Oh wait... its only Tuesday. I'll probably finish it tomorrow. That's how I get with books.... I can't put them down once I start.

I have heard nothing but good things about hunger games. I think I might give it a shot after I get through all 7 of these harry potter books