Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#5 and #6 Talent I Wish I Had

#5 Meaning behind my blog name... that's pretty self-explainitory. Three months from YESTERDAY I will be turning 30!!! And this is my blog about that.

#6 Talent I Wish I Had... I don't know if I have a good answer for this one. As I've grown up, I've changed what I wished I could do. Play piano, play guitar, sing well, be and exceptional athlete, act.... but really, I've become pretty content with what I can and cannot do. Photography has become my "can" and while I will never be able to sing well... photography has become my artistic outlet. When some people write poems, or play guitar... I bust out my camera and photograph. Its theraputic. And I REALLY wish I had time to shoot more for myself. That is one of my [unwritten] New Years Resolutions.

Oh... I just realized I should write down my resolutions in a place I can see them daily... to remind me what I'm working on and towards. This blog post just took a 180 turn, but it made me realize that is almost February and I've yet to lose anymore weight and I haven't been photographing anything for myself yet!!!

The resolutions to keep the house clean has actually been working out well. Our bedroom is still a disaster zone, but every night Kyle and I clean up the downstairs. One of us works on the dishes while the other picks up all of Rowan's toys in the living room. Its nice to come downstairs in the morning to start with a clean slate... and quickly gets destroyed all over again.

As for the weight thing... I was doing REALLY well on my 1200 calorie diet, but then we had a death in the family right before Christmas and comfort food was all I was surrounded with. And since then I haven't been able to get back on the wagon (horse?). Anyway... today is a new day... and today starts 1200 calories AND working out!!! I think I'll keep a daily record of my working out too. Someplace I can see every day and easily write down what I did that day. I already use an awesome App for calorie counting... MyFitnessPal. Its really awesome!! Try it if you need help counting and keeping track of your calorie intake.

Anyway... maybe I'll post pictures of what I come up with for tracking my resolutions and my daily food/exercise. Maybe. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I started South Beach 2 weeks ago. And working out. Turns out Tony Horton hates my thighs more than Jillian Michaels.
